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Thermocouple and RTD Calibration - UKAS Accredited

thermocouples in calibration furnace

NPL is a signatory to the CIPM MRA (Mutual Recognition Agreement) and as such results shown on our certificates can be considered as being traceable to all other NMIs (National Measurement Institutes) who are signatories to the MRA including NIST.

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Specialists in Thermocouple and RTD Calibration

TC Ltd specialise in thermocouple and RTD calibration and we are proud to offer a wide variety of industry sectors with accurate and traceable In-House or UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) calibration. This service is applicable for thermocouples, RTD sensors, instrumentation & cable under the scope of ISO/IEC 17025 & ISO 9001, all within our fully UKAS accredited calibration laboratory.

With the drive towards higher product quality standards and energy efficiency, end users are demanding more certainty and traceability from the products they purchase. A speedy, economical and reliable calibration service is provided in all respects. Significant investment has resulted in our UKAS accredited laboratory offering a world class service in terms of both CMC (Calibration & Measurement Capability) and volume throughout.

UKAS or Traceable In-House

Traceable In-house or UKAS accredited calibration is available for Base and Noble metal thermocouples and RTD sensors (Pt100) performed within our fully accredited laboratory.

Calibration is usually by comparison, traceable to National Physical Laboratory primary standards, against SPRTs or Type R reference thermocouples from -100 to +1590ºC. Fixed point calibration also available at -196ºC.

Measurement Uncertainty

Our uncertainty of measurement is listed below for various ranges for thermocouples and RTD sensors:

Type of Sensor Range Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Expressed as an Expanded Uncertainty
Resistance Thermometers Liquid nitrogen (-196ºC)
Triple point of water (0.01ºC)
-100ºC to -30ºC
-30ºC to + 20ºC
20ºC to 90ºC
90ºC to 200ºC
200ºC to 400ºC
400ºC to 620ºC
Thermocouples -
Noble Metal
20ºC to 200ºC
200ºC to 400ºC
400ºC to 620ºC
620ºC to 1100ºC
1100ºC to 1200ºC
1200ºC to 1330ºC
1330ºC to 1590ºC
Thermocouples -
Base Metal
Liquid nitrogen (-196ºC)
-100ºC to -30ºC
-30ºC to + 200ºC
200ºC to 400ºC
400ºC to 620ºC
620ºC to 1100ºC
1100ºC to 1200ºC
1200ºC to 1330ºC

International and Industry Specific Standards

Calibration can be performed to meet the requirements of most international and industry specific standards including AMS2750G, IEC 60584-1, IEC 60571, ASTM E220, ANSI MC 96.1, ASTM E235, ASTM E608, ASTM E839, GDCD16 & BAC5621K. We can also perform batch and reel calibration on selected material to ensure the best results possible when adhering to these strict standards.

Other Calibration

Electrical simulation for instrumentation calibration and surface measurement is also available as well as calibration of sensors and instrumentation together as a system.

International Calibration Bodies

NPL is a signatory to the CIPM MRA (Mutual Recognition Agreement) and as such results shown on our certificates can be considered as being traceable to all other NMIs (National Measurement Institutes) who are signatories to the MRA including NIST.

Enquiry Form

1. Type of Calibration

2. Number of Sensors

3. Calibration Points Required

4. Type of Sensor

4a. Sensor diameter (optional)

4b. Sensor Length (optional)

Contact Details

Company Name

Your Name



Additional Information

If your enquiry is for more than one style of sensor, please email us with your requirements or use the box below

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