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Miniature Thermocouple Connectors

Miniature Connectors
220ºC Rated
Miniature Thermocouple Connectors Rated to 220°CA wide range of miniature connectors and accessories made from Thermoplastic. These popular connectors are suitable for most applications
Miniature Connectors
350ºC Rated
Miniature Thermocouple Connectors Rated to 350°CA new range of miniature connectors and accessories made from a Thermosetting plastic.
Miniature Connectors
650ºC Rated
Miniature Thermocouple Connectors Rated to 650°CA range of ceramic connectors that are an excellent choice for elevated temperatures. Plugs sockets and quick wire versions are available
Miniature Connector
Miniature Thermocouple Connector AccessoriesA range of accessories for our mini connectors, including: cable clamps, crimp inserts, grommets, adaptors etc.
Miniature Connector
Miniature Connector PanelsAnodised Aluminium and Stainless Steel panels in a choice of styles and configurations for use with our range of panel mounting connectors