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TC for Temperature Measurement & Control Pty

News Get Pressure under control

TC has recently introduced a new range of pressure sensors and control equipment for use in processes.

These pressure transmitters provide a precise and repeatable linear 4 to 20mA industry standard signal, which can be sent via a 2-wire loop system to existing instrumentation or to a TC pressure controller.

The units are housed in a ¼” BSPP stainless steel unit for connection into the process and a DIN 41524 connector allows simple and easy connection to the loop.

These rugged pressure transmitters have a fast response time of 10 milliseconds and an accuracy of 0.5% of reading (full scale)./span>
The associated programmable controller, which accepts the 4 to 20mA signal directly from the transmitter (and can also provide the loop power), has dual inputs, an LED display of pressure values with relay and alarm outputs. A single channel version is also available along with all the associated cabling products. Hope this is ok

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