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TC for Temperature Measurement & Control Pty

Miniature Pt100 Sensor (PRT) with Miniature Plug

Miniature Resistance Thermometers - Pt100 Sensors

  • These Pt100 sensors are economical, semi flexible and suited to a wide variety of industrial applications up to 500°C.
  • Custom built to your specification and terminated in a choice of miniature plugs rated to 220ºC or 350ºC
  • Alternatively, we have a large range of sensors available to buy online in various diameters and lengths
  • High accuracy, repeatability and reproducibility as simplex, duplex or triplex element assemblies
  • Wide operating temperature range of -100ºC to +500ºC.
  • Available in 2, 3 and 4 wire configurations, in grade A accuracy
  • 316L Stainless Steel sheathed and manufactured to IEC 60751

Miniature RTD Enquiry Form

1. Wiring Configuration

  Wiring Configuration
(IEC 60751)
2 2 wire
3 3 wire (most popular)
4 4 wire
4BL 4 wire blind loop
2. Sheath Diameter
3. Sheath Length

4. Miniature Plug Style

Illustration Select
CE7 - Miniature Plug
Plastic, rated to 220ºC (normal)
CE7H - Miniature Plug
Plastic, rated to 300ºC
5. Optional Compression Fitting
6. Quantity Required

Contact Details

Company Name

Your Name



Additional Information

If your enquiry is for more than one style of sensor, please email us with your requirements or use the box below

Send Enquiry  

1 Sensor Style Temperature Range
17 Type 17 - Semi flexible, Mineral Insulated
Our most popular style
-100ºC to +500ºC
18 Type 18 - Semi flexible, Mineral Insulated
Good for high accuracy, high temp applications
-100ºC to +600ºC
Note: Some wiring and number of element configurations may not be available in all diameters

Assemblies with pot seals are supplied with short tails as shown. However, where leads are several metres or more long, it is more suitable to have an overall sheathed cable. We recommend the following cables, which are 7/0.2mm, laid flat and overall sheathed constructions. Other cables are available, please contact us for details.